Creating Family Time at Dinner – Without the Chaos
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This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Red Baron® pizza. The opinions and text are all mine.

I think we can agree that mealtime is the most challenging time of day for moms.
The kids are hungry – no, make that STARVING.
They have been out all day at school, followed by sports practices and games – and now they have an evening of homework looming ahead.
It’s all good.
Except that you have been out on the road with them, shuttling them from one activity to another. Sometimes, when they ask that dreaded “What’s for dinner?” question – I actually have something good simmering in the slow cooker.
But …
More often than not, I have to make something really fast that everyone is going to love.
It’s my reality.
Thankfully, I found Red Baron® pizza at my local Target in the freezer aisle (which also happens to be one of my favorite places to shop).
The Red Baron® Classic Crust Supreme Pizza is a crowd pleaser with my family – so I stock up.
It’s ready in about 20 minutes and is great for lunch, dinner, or even a heavier snack – because mealtime in our house is whenever everyone happens to be home at the same time.
Our Schedule is Crazy Busy
With 3 teens living at home – and one twenty something that pops in unannounced, I always need to have the kitchen loaded with food.
One of my sons plays water polo, another takes evening classes, and my daughter takes many dance classes.
Weeknights have the potential to be pure chaos.
Yet, I love the idea of eating together as a family.
It is even more important now that the kids are teenagers. I make it a priority to grab some time each day to have a conversation with them and keep a finger on the pulse of what is happening in their lives.
Unfortunately, dinner is not the perfect picture of everyone sitting around the dinner table eating a home cooked meal. The reality of modern motherhood is that mealtime is often on the go.
So, I have to make a choice – slave over a hot stove and spend those precious moments stressed about getting dinner on the table before the next activity starts, or relax and enjoy the company of my kids?
Red Baron® pizza makes it a delicious and easy decision with no mommy guilt at all.
Life is hectic. It’s busy. There are ups and downs. Good days and bad days.
But I wouldn’t trade it for the world.
I love being a mom.
The thing is, I know I am not alone …
Have You Met The Baroness?
I was pleasantly surprised to learn about the Red Baron® Baroness.
She is the ultimate #WingMama who helps busy moms find humor in the often-hectic moments of motherhood.
How ironic is that?
She is me.
And that jacket, with those patches. Each one with a story and well earned.
While I think I probably could wear every single one – the one that resonates most with me is “Good Enough”:
If you had known me when I first had my kids – you would see how I have changed.
Gone are my days of expecting perfection.
My kids have taught me that things aren’t always going to turn out according to plan. Life happens – and you just have to roll with it.
The resilience that comes from accepting “good enough” is the secret to happiness.
What #WingMama Patches Have You Earned?
Find all the Red Baron® Baroness patches here and tell me which patch resonates with you the most.
While you are there – you can play The Baroness Instant Scratch & Win Game hosted by Red Baron®.
You can play each day for a chance to win daily prizes. Every day, 2 winners will receive a $10 eGiftcard and 3 winners will receive a $25 eGiftcard.
To play:
- visit,
- enter your info for the game entry,
- scratch away the Red Baron® pizza tiles and reveal your Baroness patches,
- If you find 3 CLEAN PLATE CLUB patches, you WIN!
Remember, the game is only available for a limited time. Red Baron® pizza is a great dinner option for moms and busy families. Maybe you should serve some tonight. 😉
Hey Neena..! your pizza its really amazing & yummy . i will applied this thing for our family. Thanks for sharing !
Hi Sam,