What I Learned About Setting Goals from Taylor Swift
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After watching the Taylor Swift Eras Tour – I will be setting goals a little differently in 2024. This is why.
Like about a gazillion other people, I start each year by setting some New Year’s Resolutions. I crack open a new planner and it’s like having a clean slate – a chance to start over and do things from scratch.
But usually within a month or so, we fall back into our old routines. The daily grind goes on and not a whole lot changes.
Without realizing it, I was on track to repeat my goal setting mistakes of the past.
But then I had an aha! moment while streaming the Taylor Swift Eras Tour.
And now I know that the number 1 thing I need to do in 2024 to accomplish my goals is to take action!

What You Can Accomplish in a Short Time
Let me start by saying that I am not a Swiftie in the traditional sense.
There are certain popular Taylor Swift Songs that I recognize but overall I am not familiar with a lot of her music.
I do know about the whole Taylor Swift – Scooter Braun – Kanye saga because my kids filled me in about the conflict.
So, we didn’t get caught up in the Eras ticket fervor. But when my daughter wanted to watch the Eras Tour via streaming – I was happy to join her.
For those of you who have seen the show, you know that it opens with Taylor saying that she was born in 1989.
In that short time, she became a billionaire and Time’s Person of the Year for 2023!
She not only catapulted her career but through her platform she has given people with diverse backgrounds and differing ideas a common ground to come together for a moment and forget about their worries and just enjoy the music.
Along the way she was bullied as a child, bullied by the industry, went through several failed relationships and yet retained her focus, worked hard, and experienced great success.
Goal Setting Lessons from Taylor Swift’s Career
Obviously, Taylor has a great talent – but there are many talented people that never get too far.
So, how did she do it? What goal setting strategies did she use?
There is much to her story that I don’t know about – but looking in from the outside, I see that she has several traits that helped her career in the long run.
Lesson 1: Have a Defined Goal
From a young age, Taylor knew that she wanted a career in the music industry.
She created demo tapes, she wrote music, and she dared to be different even though the bullies in her school were taunting her lack of conformity.
Through it all she “kept her eye on the prize” and maintained a clear focus on what she wanted out of life.
Lesson 2: Work Hard
Having a strong focus on your goals is not enough. You have to put that thought into action.
Opportunity is not going to just fall into your lap.
In fact, opportunities have to be created and the popular quote says that success is only 1 percent luck and 99 percent hard work
“It’s not about money or connections. It’s the willingness to outwork and outlearn everyone.”
Mark Cuban
If you didn’t accomplish all you wanted to in 2023 – be honest and ask yourself if you truly put in the work to make it happen.
We all have our setbacks because life does get in the way – but if you take the time to identify the issues and put strategies in place to overcome those in the new year – then 2024 will be the year you make it happen!
Taylor’s family moved from PA to Tennessee in pursuit of her vision. They created demo tapes, they knocked on doors, and I am sure met with much rejection along the way.
But she continued to put in the work – and in the end it paid off.
Lesson 3: Tap Into Your Support Network
Taylor’s family has been a tremendous source of support for her since day 1.
They believed in her talent and her vision and made sacrifices to help her achieve her goals.
No matter how self sufficient you are, achieving your goals is easier if you have help.
Surround yourself with people who can provide support, guidance, and services that you need to get to your next step.
Lesson 4: Be Genuine and True to Your Supporters
In the music industry, the one thing that you need to be successful is your fans. You can have all the talent in the world, but without fans – you won’t make any money.
Taylor is extremely protective and respectful of her fans. She has a way of connecting with her audience. And I feel that she genuinely cares about them. In return, they care about her.
No matter what your goals are – it is important to stay true to your fans.
Your goal should benefit not only you but your audience.
Lesson 5: Don’t Compromise Your Values
I have seen many performers bow down to the machine – but Taylor appears to have a set of values that governs her actions.
Don’t lose sight of your standards and values in your quest to accomplish your goals.
Procrastination is My Biggest Obstacle
When it comes to setting goals, my biggest obstacle is procrastination.
I get very caught up in the planning of it all – and don’t spend enough time in the execution.
So, for 2024, my focus will be on forward motion – however imperfect.
I will spend more time doing and less time evaluating. Tracking goal progress is important but not at the expense of doing the work.
This year, I my goals center around taking my business to a new level – and this post is just the first step.
I am going to take my lessons from Taylor Swift’s book and find my own winning formula in 2024.
What are Your Goals for 2024?
Overall I admire Taylor Swift for all that she has accomplished in her lifetime thus far and can’t wait to see what is yet to come.
How will you work to accomplish your goals in 2024? What strategies have and have not worked for you in the past?
Let me know in the comments below.
… and Happy New Year!