52 Business Books That Every Entrepreneur Should Read

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This list of business books is ambitious – but in the past I have had stacks of books and random lists of things that I want to read to help me further my business – but never get to.

business book list

One of the keys to success in life is good planning – so this concept should work with reading too – right?

That’s what I figured.

Books for Entrepreneurs

The plan is simple: read one book per week throughout the year. The year doesn’t have to start or stop on January 1. It can start whenever you are ready to read. Summer, is a great time, in fact.

You decide.

I just hope that you will join in because reading together is better than reading alone. I will post links to my reviews as well (as soon as they are published).

Why This List Is Liberating

For me, putting this list together was actually a liberating experience. Pretty funny that something so simple could have such an impact.

Most importantly, it has organized me.

When it comes to reading I have been scattered. I had books on my Kindle, I had actual physical books, and even some e-Books in PDF format.

So, I would start to read something on say the Kindle and then forget that I was reading that particular book (out of sight out of mind) and then pick up a physical book and start reading that.

The result was lots of half-read books and no completion.

By creating this list, I now know what I will be reading in any given week. I also made notations (which I didn’t publish above) about whether I already have the book and what format it is in – so I can actually find it when the time comes.

The list has also allowed me to see what I can reasonably expect to actually read. I have grand intentions – but time runs out. So, reading became almost like a chore. There was too much on my list and I never felt like I could make any progress.

As I said, one book a week is ambitious – but it is doable. And after I scheduled out 1 book each week for then entire year I found that I still had more on the list – which means that my first quarter of 2017 is also mapped out. 😉

But seriously, slow and steady wins the race and now I can see that I will eventually get to everything and I won’t feel bad that I am not doing it all “now”.

It Works

I already started this process and am happy to report that I have read 3 books in the last 3 weeks of the year.

Do you have a book list of your own?

Join Us

I hope that you will join in reading with us throughout this year.

The easiest way to follow along is to subscribe for updates from Almost Practical by using the form below.

In addition to the newsletter you will receive a weekly reminder about the book for the upcoming week and a invitation to participate in the conversation on the review post.

Think of it as a virtual book club.

I look forward to reading with you!

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  1. HI,
    What a fantastic list. I have already read Time Management from the Inside Out. I love the authors book. I really think you will love the book. I don’t get through a book a week but love this idea and am going to make my own book list to move through them one by one and maybe pick one book a month out for me. I have a library here at home that I have not even touched yet. Thanks for the fantastic book list. It’s awesome.

    I am glad I stopped by to read it today. Have a great New Years.


    1. Hi Irish,
      I am really looking forward to working my way through this list.

      One book a week is really ambitious for me too – but I am determined to stick to it.

      Julie Morgenstern is one of my “idols” so to speak – anything about organizing is hugely useful. So, I put a few organizing type titles into January so we can start the year off right.

      Thanks for stopping in!

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