Full Focus Journal by Michael Hyatt – A Review
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Today was a very exciting day for me. I received my Full Focus Journal by Michael Hyatt in the mail. So, of course, I had to write a review.

I am a huge fan of Michael Hyatt’s Full Focus Planner, so when he introduced the Journal – I had to jump on board.
Journaling is something that I have been doing on and off for many years now.
But I have always gone in spurts with it.
The Benefits of Journaling
According to this article in Fast Company, there are proven benefits to journaling including:
- reducing depression and anxiety,
- increasing positive mood, and even
- strengthens immune cells called T-lymphocytes.
I don’t know about all that but I can honestly say that I have more clarity and focus in my daily life when I journal.
But keeping up with the practice is tricky.
Obviously, the best way to go about it is to make journaling a habit.
To do this you should set aside a certain time to reflect and do your journaling each day.
But that is not always enough to make it stick.
Sometimes you just need to have a really awesome journal to light that inner spark and make you write.
When Michael Hyatt announced the Full Focus Journal, I was going through a bit of a journaling dry spell, if you will.
The timing was perfect.
As I read more about it, I was intrigued.
Related: Boost Your Productivity With the Erin Condren Deluxe Monthly Planner
What Makes the Full Focus Journal Unique
Guided Questions
You see, the Full Focus Journal is not just a blank notebook.
Each day follows a template of 8 guided questions. These questions are designed to make you reflect on the past, gauge where you are right now, and also look ahead.
The pages are undated per se, but each entry starts with the date – which you fill in.
I like the guided questions because they really make me think about
- what happened during the day
- my underlying feelings about how the day went
- what I can do differently or build upon
- and whether I am spending my time wisely.
If I could add one thing, it would be a blank page to each day. I am a bit of a “Dear Diary” kind of person – so, I also like to have a little extra free form space to go on about whatever is on my mind.
But that is just me.
Beautiful Form
Just like the Full Focus Planner – the Full Focus Journal is a hard bound book. It has a gray fabric over boards finish.
The Journal has the same heavier weight paper as the planner. It is perfect for writing.
I typically use ball point pen and sometimes gel pens for color.
Some people like to use Pilot Frixion erasable pens to minimize corrections. Just be careful if you leave your journal in a hot car or in out in the sun – because the ink can disappear.
I also like to embellish my entries with stickers and planner accessories – again for pops of color and to make certain items more memorable.
A Community of Planners and Great Customer Service
When I bought the Full Focus Planner a year ago, I joined the related Facebook group.
It happens to be one of my favorite groups.
First, Michael Hyatt himself is very present in the group, which is amazing.
Second, the members of the group have great suggestions and ideas for using the planner to improve productivity.
Third, Team Hyatt is so responsive and open to new suggestions for the planner. In fact, they will be publishing the third version later this year with changes that were based on user feedback.
So, I am confident that the same sense of community will emerge with the Full Focus Journal, which is fabulous.
Why Not Just Use a Blank Notebook?
You can.
That is what I was doing before the Full Focus Journal but I couldn’t get the habit to stick.
I think the guided pages will help me get back into journaling.
And since it is a bit of an investment, I am going to make sure that I use it.
There is also something to be said about the experience.
The Full Focus Journal ships in a handsome, light blue, custom, cardboard cover. It is fun to rip open and makes you really want to dig in and get started.
I took some photos to show you – because I am sure you are thinking – what’s so exciting about a cardboard box?
Well, of course the photos came out too dark, so I didn’t want to post them because all the colors are off.
Maybe next quarter. 🙂
Full Focus Notebooks
The Full Focus Store also sells Full Focus Notebooks.
These are sold separately and come in a pack of three. They are paper bound and filled with blank ruled pages.
They make a nice companion to the Full Focus Planner or the Full Focus Journal and are nicely portable.
Do You Journal?
Have you made journaling a habit?
Has it helped you to get more out of each day? Tell us about your experience in the comments below.