Passion Planner Review
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I just have to try all. the. planners. It’s a bit of an obsession. So, when I ordered the Passion Planner for my son to use at school, I just had to take a little peek inside first – and do a review.

Couldn’t help myself. 😉
Watch My Passion Planner Review
To see the Passion Planner up close and personal, watch my video review. If you would rather read about it – just scroll below.
What Is The Passion Planner?
The one thing that makes the Passion Planner stand out from the crowd is that it is a goal planner that is designed to help you follow your passions.
Most planners help you keep track of your events and activities, but rarely do they help you FOCUS on the things that will really make a difference in what you want to achieve in life.
The very first pages of the Passion Planner give you space to create a mind map of both your long term and short term goals.
Then you are encouraged to pick just one of those goals and break it down further into actionable steps.
Finally, you incorporate these steps into your plans for the current week.
Using this step by step approach, you will create a Passion Planner roadmap.
This gives you the clarity you need to make space in your schedule to make the important things happen.
The Passion Planner Layout
The Passion Planner sports a standard monthly layout followed by a 2 page per week layout with hourly columns for each day.
At the bottom of the Passion Planner monthly layout there is space for listing out the projects you want to focus on for the month.
And at the bottom of the weekly layouts there is space for your weekly to do items.
There is also blank space or the “space of infinite possibility” that you can use for creating lists, additional mind maps, or whatever else you choose.
The left column of each page has place for you to list out the
- things you want to focus on
- people you want to see, and
- things you want to do.
The weekly pages also include an inspirational quote to help you keep your mind on the big picture.
Space to Reflect
At the end of each month are a few pages with guided questions that you use to reflect on the month that just finished.
If you want to move forward with your goals, then completing this reflection section is really important.
Taking the time to look back and track your progress will help you adjust your plans for the month ahead.
What worked? What didn’t?
You need to know this so you don’t keep doing the same old things and expect different results.
End of the Year Reflection
When you get to the end of the year, there are guided questions to help you reflect back on the entire year and set your plan for the year ahead.
Notes Pages and Pocket
At the very end of the Passion Planner you will find a good number of blank notes pages and also some dot grid pages that you can use to capture important notes that require more space.
There is also a large pocket in the back cover to corral any loose papers that you want to keep track of.
Choices: The Passion Planner Cover, Sizes, Styles
You have a few choices for your Passion Planner cover and also for the size of the planner itself.
Passion Planner Colors
There is a standard black cover that works for just about anyone.
But if you want a little more pizazz there are other colors to choose from.
I think that the colors may vary from year to year and also for each of the different styles.
Your best bet is to visit the official site to see the current colors that are available.
Passion Planner Sizes
The Passion Planner now comes in 3 different sizes.
This is great news!
The company changed a few things as far as sizes go – you can read about it in this blog post.
The end result is that the sizes stayed the same but have new names as follows:
- the old Passion Planner Compact is now called: Small (5.8″ x 8.3″)
- Passion Planner is now Medium (6.9″ x 9.8″)
- and the new Large (8.3″ x 11.7″) is what was known as the Passion Planner Classic size.
The following screenshot from the above referenced blog post on the Passion Planner blog compares the dimensions and summarizes the changes:
If you are trying to decide between two sizes – for example, the large vs small (classic vs compact) consider the size of your handwriting to see what works best for you.
You also can also further customize your Passion Planner by picking your start DAY – Sunday or Monday.
Passion Planner Styles
Finally, you have a choice of four different styles:
- Dated,
- Undated,
- Academic, and
- Daily
Dated and Undated Passion Planners
The Dated and Undated versions are pretty self explanatory.
The Dated Passion Planner covers a calendar year and the Undated version allows you to fill in the dates so you can start at any point mid year very easily.
Academic Planner
The Academic planner coincides with the school year and runs from August to July of each respective year.
So the main difference between the Passion Planner regular vs Academic is the start date.
You don’t have to be a student or a teacher to use the Academic version.
If summer rolls around and you find that you want to try the Passion Planner – you can grab either the Academic planner or the Undated and you will be good to go.
This is nice especially if you are looking for a new planner mid year or at a time that is not at the beginning of the calendar year.
Daily Passion Planner
Finally, the Daily Passion Planner is a relatively new offering.
This version comes in an undated 2 page per day layout and each book covers one quarter.
If you buy the Elite Black cover you can get one quarter at a time. Or you can buy a set of four color coordinated Daily Passion Planners.
What Is The Best Goal Planner?
If you are looking for a planner that will help you to stay focused on goals that matter – The Passion Planner is for you!
When you use this unique planner, you will frame your time around your goals – never losing sight of that one thing that will take you to the next level on your ladder to success.
However, there are a few other planners out there that are goal oriented as well:
Passion Planner Free PDF Printable
If you can believe it, you can also get this awesome planner for free!
I know, right?
It’s unbelievable but it’s true.
The company believes that price should not be a barrier for people to get the tools that they need to bring greater focus into their lives.
So you can go to their website and download a Passion Planner printable absolutely FREE.
You can choose from full PDF versions of the dated, undated, academic, or daily layouts.
In addition, there are also printable inserts that include:
- habit trackers,
- note pages,
- weekly reflections,
- finance trackers,
- water trackers,
- workout trackers,
- and more!
Are Passion Planners Worth It?
At the end of the day I think the Passion Planner is absolutely worth it.
The goal oriented approach to planning will help you to turn your ideas into your new reality.
The company itself is responsive, gives back, and goes above and beyond to help their customers achieve success.
Where You Can Find the Passion Planner
The best place to buy the Passion Planner is on the Passion Planner website. CLICK HERE to get 10% off of your first purchase of $14.99 or more.
You can choose from all the latest colors and styles.
And you can also download and test out some sample pages if you are having trouble making a decision between sizes.
Happy planning!
Erin Condren Planners and Accessories
I am a huge Erin Condren fan – so I have a whole separate section for those posts. You can find my Erin Condren Reviews here.